5 dangers you should pay attention to while exercising, know how to avoid these dangers!

Sports, health and fitness

Sports exercises are of ancient origin, as people were inspired by their daily lifestyle in hunting, jumping, archery and horse riding. The origin of sport belongs to ancient societies such as the Pharaonic society and Chinese society, but now they are exercises that a person performs for multiple reasons whether to obtain fitness Or entertainment or to compete. 

The importance of exercise

Improving muscle and bone health: As exercise exercises in addition to eating enough protein stimulate muscle building, exercise helps stimulate the secretion of hormones that help muscles absorb amino acids, which contributes to muscle growth and reduces muscle losses in later life. Building and bone density in childhood

Mood Improvement: Doing 30-minute exercise exercises improves mood in general and boosts self-confidence. Physical activity stimulates the secretion of chemicals in the brain that in turn enhance a person’s sense of happiness

Increased energy and activity: Exercise increases the energy in the human body, not only from the psychological point of view, which is to improve its mood, but it also increases a person's physical energy.

Getting rid of extra weight: It works to increase the speed of the metabolic rate, which leads to burning calories on a daily basis

Fighting diseases: exercise exercises contribute to the prevention of some diseases such as stroke, heart disease, high pressure, cholesterol and osteoporosis, and exercise also increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, and doctor Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant, says: "If it is a practice Sports is a pill, it will be one of the most cost-effective, innovative drugs ever developed.

Brain health: Sport contributes to improving brain functions and improving thinking skills as it increases the rate of blood flow and oxygen to the brain, and it also stimulates the secretion of certain hormones that help the growth of brain cells. Canadian University of McGill scientists have discovered that assimilation of a new motor skill is in the form of Faster if a person followed after 15 minutes of exercise

Improving sleep position: where exercise works to open the airways and improve blood circulation, which reduces snoring . 
Sports and fitness are important to society. 

The dangers of exercise and how to avoid it!

Dangers may affect muscles and joints: The most common injuries in exercise are tense ligaments and joints and can be avoided by warming up properly before exercising.

Heart problems: it can sometimes develop into heart problems during exercise, which may lead to sudden death, but these events are very rare and most often occur for those who suffer from heart problems since childhood

Dehydration due to not drinking enough water and fluids

Stomach pain due to exercising before bedtime or immediately after eating

Stomach regurgitation when exercising without strenuous exercise and without eating the right food

Sports and fitness are important to society.

Types of exercise

Aerobic exercises: are activities that stimulate the work of the heart and blood vessels, they work to prevent diseases of the heart, blood vessels and diabetes

Strength exercises: It strengthens the muscles through resistance such as weight lifting and pressure and stomach exercises, and it works to lose weight by applying pressure to the muscles.

Balance exercises: help a person to control his body’s muscles, and this type of exercise is useful for the elderly, as the individual’s balance decreases as he progresses.

Flexibility exercises: Stretching the muscles in the body and enhancing joint mobility, and it works to improve physical fitness, including rotating movement of the feet and lifting the man towards the chest

When exercising, you must combine the four types of exercise, and eat healthy food and drink a lot of fluids and exercise continuously, in order to maintain your physical fitness and protect yourself from many diseases. Because sport and fitness are important to society.

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