Maintaining your wedding day makeup with the presence of Corona Virus

There are many, many things that you must do to keep the wedding day makeup, but with the presence of Virus Krone, the situation has become deteriorating and we need more accuracy to maintain the makeup of the wedding day and the important thing on the wedding day in a situation like this and in the presence of Ferris such as Virus Crohna you must before all Something to do:
1. Work diligently with the first advice for the wedding day, which  
    says prevention is better than cure . 
2. Maintaining the cleanliness of what you eat, then what you  
    drink, then the complete cleanliness of everything you wear, as   
    well as givingYour body has enough time to sleep after making 
    sure your bed is clean (my sofa and sofa).
3. Fully comply with all the caveats for the killer virus Crohna.  
    May God stop us from all evil, and may God protect us from
     All ill and cunning.
4. In order to protect all of us from the highly-murdered Virus  
    Krona, see the following:

       How to prevent Corona Virus

You can protect yourself and help prevent the virus from spreading to others by What to do:
  • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap and water, or rub your hands with the solution that contains alcohol
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and get rid of it or elbow in the absence of tissues.
  • Avoid approaching (one or three feet) of people who have symptoms of the disease.
  • Isolate yourself from others and stay at home if you feel the symptoms of the disease.
  • Actions to avoid:
  • Touching the eyes, nose or mouth if the hands are not clean

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