What are the drugs that help men perform better?

 What are the drugs that help men perform better?

Unfortunately, I ask this question and many people in my daily life ask me about it. And a lot of people are looking for an answer to this question, why? Because people do not know the dynamics of the body or hide the principles of the body in our sexual life in general. Unfortunately, if people know the mechanism of the body and its dynamics in our sexual life, they do not ask this question, and when they searched for an answer to this question, I cannot speak here about this mechanism and I do not have time for that. Perhaps if I had the capabilities and the right time, I would write an author or a book in this regard? So that people avoid saying such a question or searching for an answer because both the question and the answer are of no use towards this mechanism or the dynamic of the body. That is why I have always been strongly warned against using such medicines that are more harmful to the body than good, and I always hope to avoid them and urge people to leave them and explain their evils to them. Therefore, I wanted to ask a question like this here so that they would say a lot in exchange for warning people about these drugs harmful to them and their body as well.

I do not speak at all about beneficial foods or drinks and the nature of the body

There are regular foods that help to strengthen the power of sexual power, and this is known to most people who are looking for sexual strength, and there are fresh juices as well. This is okay to use for those who want it.

But medicines or, more precisely, chemical preparations that have become accessible to most people and use them without consulting a doctor or pharmacist and without a clear medical report. These drugs are the ones that I warn very strongly and greatly because of their bad effect on the body, as they pass through deadly toxic drugs because they work on the flow of blood quickly without preparing the body for that and thus work to raise blood pressure continuously or gradually and there are people I know but I did not know that they used Dedication like this only after their death; In other words, people who used such drugs suffered thromboses and then eventually death, and the cause of their death was brought closer to eighty percent. These were killer drugs, God forbid, whoever advised them. If the matter is in my hands, then I will punish those who produced or dispensed them without a clear medical report, as well as those who eat them without a clear medical report as well. Because he messes with himself, and this is injustice. In the end, I hope that my words will be clear, and I also wish good, success, and success to all.


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