Wedding night makeup

What happens after the wedding night makeup

There are many, many advices and instructions that are said on this day or this night (wedding night), there are public morals, and there are also special manners, customs and traditions for every country of the world around this night (wedding night). In the Middle East, for example, like this night, most of the etiquette of it is related to the Holy Book and Sunnah of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family. And it includes duty, the elderly, the delegate, the mustahabb, and ......... etc. We recommend that you review it in detail because of its benefits to the individual, society 

 and family. This is the first advice.
The second advice: I singled out the Eastern woman more than others !! Because in some countries of the Middle East, the bride or the bride does not see each other for the first time at all except on the wedding night (the wedding party), and usually such marriage is unequal and in most magazines it is economic, social, or in terms of community movement or its environment in the city or countryside. Also, this marriage is a very heavy burden on the spouses because of the great responsibilities that this marriage entails on both spouses that impose on them to try to adapt and try to find positive compromise solutions that work to bridge the views of the continuation of the marital life between them.
Therefore, in the first three years of this marriage, what I advise the wife is to be careful in making judgments about her life with her husband, as it came from a social reality that may be completely different to what she grew up with and got used to as well. I also advise the husband to try to explain, in an acceptable manner, at least to his wife, and to try to find the appropriate method that he believes through his intercourse with his wife and his understanding of her that it is useful and feasible for both of them together.
I also want or advise to all spouses during the first three years of their marriage that the problem of class, social, cultural or financial difference These differences may not be resolved through discussion or clarification of a specific idea for each other to the extent that their solution is in finding common denominators for the spouses with each other and through their lives with each other, and this only comes through patience and preservation of marital life by both parties, regardless of the status of the relationship. Current with them. Through patience and the passing of time, commonalities between the spouses were fulfilled, working to embody and strengthen the relationship between the spouses, for example, children, and to build the marital nest (a house for whatever) .... and .... etc. This article is also open for discussion, so that everyone benefits..

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